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 Capital gain tax simulator

French Tax Online is happy to provide you this simulator for you to estimate your capital gain tax while selling your property.

Please fill all fields and click "compute" at the bottom to find out.

Date of sale and acquisition

Calculate your capital gain

To be deducted:

(by default 15 % of the purchase price, i.e. 0€ or actual)

Calculation of the tax (IR)

Calculation of social security contributions

Additional tax (1)


Your Total Tax Payable


(1) Additional tax: If the capital gain is greater than 50,000 € per
joint owner. If several origins of ownership, additional tax to be
calculated on the sum of the IR capital gains (listed in 3)

(2) The rate of 7.5% (PS) is reserved for persons affiliated to a compulsory health insurance scheme in an EEA country, Switzerland or the United Kingdom, outside France, and not subject to French social security.

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